2665 Midland Road, Saginaw MI 48603
Christian Education Opportunities for all Ages
We offer a variety of Christion Education opportunities for growing Christians of all ages. Children begin Sunday mornings in worship, for about fifteen minutes. After the Time with Children, they are excused to Sunday School. Sunday School concludes at 10:00 AM, which coincides with the end of worship. Our Adult Education class, 2nd @ Second meets at 10:15 AM, following worship. We invite you to join us this Sunday!

Workshop Rotation Sunday School
All children are engaged in weekly workshops that allow them to explore Bible stories and themes in ways they learn best. Workshops include a wide range of activities, including creative movement, drama, science, cooking, construction, visual arts, and games.
Adult Education (2nd @ Second)
Following Sunday worship, an adult class meets in the library for various Christian education opportunities. Bible studies, movie series, and book studies are just some of the types of programs previously used for fellowship and discussion.